Wednesday, September 9, 2009

At the crossroads with my portraits

This past year has been difficult for me in the portrait quilt department. I love to quilt. I really do, but the projects I have had on my plate in the last year have become larger and harder to manage. The tops have been taking me so long to assemble that the quilting becomes almost an afterthought and that does not make my inner quilt goddess happy. I love the portraits I have done in the past but I am feeling the need to evolve and create newer techniques and focus more on just the quilting. I don't think this is the end of the line for the portraits but I am definitely taking a break. Whole cloth quilts or simple quilt tops that showcase my quilting are more of where I want to be and I am needing to get back to those roots. I'm clearing my mind, clearing my space and getting busy.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Friday, February 13, 2009

Lost Journal Sadness

My previous blog site disappeared so now I will be embedding this journal into my website. Sigh. I really should learn to back up these things.